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Salt of the Earth: Climate Change Impacts on Salinity (00:00:49)
[13-Oct-09] The oceans are vast, covering 70 percent of our planet, and so it is no surprise that we still know only a little about this system, and how it will respond to change, and furthermore, create change.Jeff Halverson: "Climate change on earth is complicated by the fact that the ocean moves much more slowly than the atmosphere. So you have warming in the atmosphere, warming in the ocean, but they're occurring at different speeds. So they're out of sync, and that makes predicting what's going to happen in the next hundred or two years very, very difficult."
Susan Lozier: "Now what we might expect happens, in a very simplistic sense, is that as the ocean warms, there's going to be more evaporation. And that more evaporation would would mean that oceans become saltier. But really it's not just that simple because there's also evaporation, precipitation, and the ice as well, and that's all wrapped up in the study of the hydrologic cycle." View full movie here. Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.
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