Science Meetings

Inter-comparison of SMAP, SMOS and Aquarius L-band Brightness Temperature Observations
Blindish, R., Jackson, T., Peipmeier, J.R., Yueh, S., and Kerr, Y. (10-July-16)

Verifying the calibration of the SMAP radiometer over land observations is an important mission requirement. Inter-comparison of L-band brightness temperature observations from different satellites (SMAP, SMOS and Aquarius) is a useful tool for radiometer calibration. Brightness temperatures observations made at the same frequency, polarization, incidence angle and coincident in time and location should be consistent with each other. SMAP brightness temperature observations were compared with SMOS observations at 40o incidence angle. The observations from the two satellites were found to be consistent with each other over the entire dynamic range (both ocean and land). The RMSD between the two missions was less than 3 K. The two observations exhibit a strong linear relationship and the observed bias was less than 0.5 K for both polarizations. This bias is within the required target accuracy requirement of the SMAP radiometer (requirement of 1.3 K).