Remote Sensing in the 2000s

David Le Vine

Deputy Principal Investigator
Goddard Space Flight Center

Dr. Le Vine received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His current research focuses on the development of techniques for microwave remote sensing of the environment from space.

Webinar Clip
Dr. Le Vine, a member of the NASA Aquarius satellite mission development team, introduces how remote sensing has evolved recently, throughout the 2000s. Dr. Gary Lagerloaf (Principal Investigator for the Aquarius mission) follows this up with an explanation of the JPL Pond Experiment using the PALS instrument.

Full webinar: How Do We Cover the Globe with Aquarius Data?

Click here for a transcript of this clip (PDF, 51.9 KB).

Applicable Science Standards
  • Planning and Carrying Out Investigations Planning and Carrying Out Investigations. Scientists and engineers plan and carry out investigations in the field or laboratory, working collaboratively as well as individually. Their investigations are systematic and require clarifying what counts as data and identifying variables or parameters.
  • Analyzing and Interpreting Data Analyzing and Interpreting Data. Scientific investigations produce data that must be analyzed in order to derive meaning. Because data patterns and trends are not always obvious, scientists use a range of tools - including tabulation, graphical interpretation, visualization, and statistical analysis - to identify the significant features and patterns in the data. Scientists identify sources of error in the investigations and calculate the degree of certainty in the results. Modern technology makes the collection of large data sets much easier, providing secondary sources for analysis.
  • Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking. In both science and engineering, mathematics and computation are fundamental tools for representing physical variables and their relationships. They are used for a range of tasks such as constructing simulations; solving equations exactly or approximately; and recognizing, expressing, and applying quantitative relationships.